Sunday, 7 February 2016

Handbooks and Readers

Not knowing really what to expect or what this course will entail,  the handbook, which I have just finished reading felt very indepth and to say I was some what daunted by all of the information presented to me in the reader would be an understatement BUT, I am very keen to begin work and therefore, having eliminated a lot of the tasks infront of me as simply unfathomable at this point in time (the course doesn't officially start until the 15th so I figure i'm good.) I decided I was more than capable of skipping ahead a little and setting up my own youtube channel in preparation for 1c which requires me to upload a clip on 'Starting out on BAPP Arts expressing your aspirations and intentions and how you might use the programme to support your developing professional practice'.

Having set up my youtube channel, which I will attach a link to in this post, I began to upload videos that have been previously obtainable via my facebook page, all of which relate to my profession in some way (some are more professional than others I might add, note the difference in choreograhy between class footage and my 21st Birthday 'cabaret show'). Professionalism and how I publically present myself using web 2.0 is definitely something I think I will take great interest in delving further into on this course. The reader touches on ethical considerations and I found the quotes included by Kuehn particularly interesting, I am constantly reminding my boyfriend not to post anything 'laddish' on my facebook wall as I have 'contacts' as friends. My mother also used to warn me, during one particularly rebellious summer having just turned 18, that photos posted on the internet are eternal and if my intention was to be forever remembered as a drunk mess of a teenager I was most definitely going the right way about privacy settings changed rather quickly after that particular conversation!

As a 23 year old, trying to juggle a career and a life (I often feel that you are only allowed one of the two in this particular industry) I understand that professionalism is of the upmost importance. As singers and dancers we are always replaceable and with the many forms web 2.0 can take there are a multitude of ways for potential employers to check up on you. As a young teacher I know that being friends with students on any internet site is a strict no and I want to be able to keep my professional and personal life as seperate as they can be. My inital thoughts are that it is vital to make the platfroms categorised as 2.0 a help not a hinderance...and with that being said, maybe I shall be deleting the formentioned 21st birthday cabaret show...

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