With web 2.0 technologies adapting and growing all the time, more and more day to day activities and responsibilities are now accomplishable without having to leave your home. I now frequently find myself, not only finding audition listings online, but also taking the first stages of applying for the job via web 2.0 technologies as well.
Before meeting face to face is even suggested, I have been required in the past to supply a CV, headshot, showreel, voice reel and portfolio all via email or links via youtube, and this doesn't just apply to the performing arts industry either. I recently applied for a part time 'proper job' and the first five rounds of interviews were done via computer...thats right, 5 ROUNDS. Having emailed my covering letter and cv, I was then asked to complete a questionnaire online which was a multiple choice style test, giving me certain situations for me to decide the professional response. Having past this test, I was then invited to fill out my personal details online, basically reinstating the information on my cv in more detail, before being asked to complete a second quiz style round with yet more employee and customer related situations. Having passed the second quiz I was then asked to login to their computer interviewing site, which I am told is becoming exceedingly popular with big name companies. This system recorded me from my computer devise, and questions appeared on the screen which I then had to reply to, speaking to the camera, as if it were the interviewer, first time, no retakes. One word, HORRIFIC. Finally, I was invited into the store for a face to face interview, just to be told that they liked me but they didn't hire performers because they tend to be unreliable.
Well thats at least three weeks of my life i'm not going to get back.
So in my eyes the simple answer is, no. Nothing beats a face to face first impression. You can tell so much about a personal from the way they talk, or present themselves in an interview situation, or behave with other dancers in an open audition. It can be incredibly difficult to read people via web 2.0 communications sometimes, personalities simply don't always translate, especially when you are trying to be professional.
I would love to hear others views on this topic so feel free to have a read and leave a comment!
LL x
Thanks for your experience about the online interview process - I think we will be seeing more and more of this - does it replace face-to-face - not if it is automated!