Tuesday, 22 November 2016


After blogging my initial thoughts on the ethical considerations of an audition, without using reference to any documents or discussion with others, I was extremely interested to do some further research in to the codes of conduct for auditions and to see what differed from my assumptions. 

Equity were extremely helpful in this matter and after a brief discussion on the phone, I was emailed a copy of 'The agreement for Performers and Stage Management in Commercial Theatre', and within this lengthy document I was able to find the 'codes of conduct for auditions'. 

Ethical considerations are not something you think about on a daily basis and before this course I don't think I had ever given them much thought, so reading through these legislations was a real eye opener to me. i am obviously a member of equity but i had never given what they do and the paper work behind what they do much consideration before. For this reason - and for the benefit of anyone else that this may help or may just be interested, I have included in this blog the entire section from 'The agreement for Performers and Stage managers in commercial Theatre' which I have highlighted for eases sake. 

Below, and not highlighted, are my initial thoughts, which I will now compare with the document provided by the statutory source.

  1. A3.1.1  The Manager shall provide, where reasonable and practicable, in addition to the room in which the auditions are being held, appropriate accommodation to enable the Artists to change, wait and prepare.

  2. A3.1.2  Audition accommodation shall be of a suitable size, properly lit, cleaned, heated and ventilated.
  1. A3.1.3  When Artists are required to dance, the Manager will provide suitable surfaces and washing facilities and will use his best endeavours to provide shower facilities.

  2. A3.1.4  The Manager shall arrange auditions to provide as much privacy as possible and shall, in any case, ensure that the Tannoy or other sound equipment is switched off.

  3. A3.1.5  The Manager shall provide, where reasonable and practicable, access for disabled people. 
My initial thoughts in regards to facilities...
  • I would expect there to be some form of code of conduct in place at the audition location, whether it be a dance studio or other to ensure the area is sufficient for the process. For example, safe floors to dance on, enough space to dance safely, some form of privacy in the way of separate rooms for closed singing auditions.
  • I would expect auditionee's to have a private place to change.

The codes of conduct in regards to facilities are, all in all, what I expected.

  1. A3.2.1  A person responsible for casting shall be present at all auditions.

  2. A3.2.2  There shall be sufficient personnel (and, in the case of open auditions for musicals, there shall be a minimum of two) who shall be briefed as to the requirements of those conducting the audition.

  3. A3.2.3  An Equity representative shall be entitled to be present at all open auditions to give any necessary information.

  4. A3.2.4  Unless the Manager is employing an agent as a casting consultant, agents will only be allowed to attend auditions at the request of an Artist and then only for the audition of the Artist making the request and with the prior consent of the Manager.

  5. A3.2.5  No members of the press or persons other than those listed above shall be entitled to be present in the audition area without the Artist’s prior knowledge and consent upon reasonable notice. Whenever the Manager intends to hold auditions with the press present he shall offer the Artist an alternative time when the press will not be present.
This section, when you read it, almost states the obvious in regards to a person responsible for casting being present. But going back to my initial comments on how I have never really considered ethical practices as an auditionee, and of course this is fundamental! 
I would have expected in this section to have seen more in regards to how personnel are expected to conduct themselves.

  1. A3.3.2  If it is intended that the audition be taped or recorded for use by a third party, Equity shall be informed in advance.

  2. A3.3.3  An adequate number of scripts which, where appropriate, will be made available in advance, will be obtainable not later than the day before the auditions at the stage door (or other designated point) of the place of audition, if the Artist so requires. The material shall remain the property of the Manager to whom it shall be returned at the end of the audition. Where the Artist is supplied with words and music, they will be given clear instruction what they must learn for an audition. Where the Artist is required to select and learn words/music of their own choosing then they shall generally be given no less than 48 hours’ notice (except in an emergency).

  3. A3.3.4  Artists should arrive in adequate time and be fully prepared by their audition time. If any Artist is unable to attend an audition at the specified time, he will inform the Manager as soon as possible. If any Artist arrives late for an audition, the Manager shall not be obliged to audition that Artist or use his best endeavours to do so.

  4. A3.3.5  On arrival at the place of audition, the Artist shall be informed of the name of the persons conducting the audition and of any special requirements which have not already been notified in advance.

  5. A3.3.6  Nothing shall prevent the Manager from inviting the Artist to audition for a part for which he was not originally being considered, provided the Manager shall afford the Artist reasonable time and facilities to prepare for such additional audition.

  6. A3.3.7  The Manager shall inform Artists (or their agents) either prior to or at the time of the audition of his arrangements for Artists (or their agents) being notified of the results of their audition.

  7. A3.3.8  If the Artist is recalled on the same day, a time for the recall shall be mutually agreed.

  8. A3.3.9  If the Artist is called to attend more than two auditions, he shall be paid travel and out- of-pocket expenses for attending any auditions after the second (in London, such provision applies only to Artists who live outside Zone 4). For auditions in excess of six, all travel expenses will be paid for the sixth audition onwards. The Manager will make expense forms available at the auditions and the Artist shall submit a claim for travel within one week of the audition and which shall be reimbursed with two weeks. The Manager shall ensure that the Artist is required to attend as few recalls as possible.

  9. A3.3.10  Any auditions involving nudity or semi-nudity will be in accordance with the Regulations agreed between the TNC and Equity on 1st January 1971.

  10. A3.3.11  An Artist already under contract to another Manager shall bring to the audition written evidence of his availability to accept the engagement if offered.
My original thoughts on the general procedures...
  • I would expect auditionee's to have planned their journey in order to be on time
  • I would expect auditionee's to have planned for their audition, by prepping sheet music, dance shoes e.t.c
  • I would expect cv's to be handled with a level of privacy.
  • I would expect members of the panel to be courteous towards auditionee's by not discussing publicly or loudly how the feel about certain auditons
  • I would expect the panel not to discriminate in any way i.e. race, sex, age
  • I would expect all auditionee's to be on time
  • I would expect auditionee's to be given ample time to prepare i.e. change, warm up.
  • I would expect all auditionee's to be courteous towards other auditionee's
  • I would expect all auditionee's to be courteous towards the panel and any other member of staff at the venue i.e. not talking when the choreographer is trying to teach the group 
  1. Again lots of these points, when I read them, feel like they are stating the obvious, but are points I had missed out when considering the ethics that apply to an audition. In particular the ethical considerations in regards to call backs.
  2. Also handy to know that we are entitled to paid travel if we live outside zone 4 after the second recall! 
All Artists shall be notified in advance generally with 48 hours’ notice (except in an emergency):
A3.3.1.1 A3.3.1.2
Of the nature of the auditions and, details of the part(s) being cast; and who will be present;
If the audition is to be taped or recorded in any way.

Artists shall be required to complete an audition card, which shall have provision for the Equity name and number (where applicable), legal name (if different from the above), their agent and details of their credits. 

A3.4.2 Artists will normally be auditioned in order of their arrival at the place of audition, where they will be given a numbered card (in addition to the card referred to in A3.4.1 above), which shall determine their place in the order of those being auditioned.

I had never considered that being auditioned in order of arrival or the format of an open call for that matter was part of the written code of conduct. Everything that we just consider the norm for performers is actually stated as regulation.

  1. A3.5.1  A description of the part(s) being auditioned shall be given in advance to the Artist or his agent, where the play has been written, with full details of the scenes to be read.

  2. A3.5.2  The Artist shall be informed in advance whether he is required to give a set speech of his own choosing and/or to read a scene.

  3. A3.5.3  If the Artist is required to read with another person, that person shall be competent.

  1. A3.6.1  A capable pianist and a piano in tune shall be provided although an Artist may use his own pianist if he wishes, and, in any event, the Artist must supply suitable music.

  2. A3.6.2  If the Artist is required to learn a specific number, the Manager, shall provide the music, which shall be made available not later than forty-eight hours before the audition, and the Artist shall perform the audition piece as provided. 
I had expected a capable pianist but had no idea you were actually entitled to use your own pianist! It is also interesting to see that you are entitled to 48 hours to prepare for an audition where music is provided as I know from experience this doesn't always happen.

  1. A3.7.1  The Manager shall ensure that all advertisements relating to auditions shall be as specific as possible.

  2. A3.7.2  Advertisements should contain the following information where appropriate;
  3. A3.7.2.2 A3.7.2.3 A3.7.2.4
  4. Whether any specific requirements exist regarding gender, ethnic characteristics, age range, height, dance or voice or music type, or previous professional experience;
  5. Any requirement regarding clothing and footwear; The timing of an open audition;
  6. The date of rehearsals and production if known. 
My initial thoughts...
  • I would expect auditions to be advertised in appropriate places i.e. the stage and information in regards to the audition to be clear, for example, time, place, what to bring, what to wear e.t.c.
  • I would expect audition notices to only be given for genuine positions that are available. 

This is all as expected, although I did expect something in regards to where auditions are advertised. 


Researching the official regulations in regards to auditions has really opened my eyes to the ethical considerations. Many of the codes I had expected, however the regulations go into so much detail and I really hadn't foreseen such a precise document.  It is also extremely intriguing to see that the way we conduct ourselves as human beings is not stated on this document as I had envisaged some guide lines on the way in which an auditionee is expected to behave and likewise the way the panel and anyone working on behalf of the company auditioning, conduct themselves in front of auditionees. 



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