Tuesday 27 September 2016


Re-reading blog 2D has definitely helped refresh my memory in regards to the direction I was taking on this course at the end of Module 1. The themes I came up with earlier this year are still prominent in my way of thinking and therefore I am confident that in exploring my initial thoughts further, and with your help, I shall find my final line of enquiry. As you will soon tell, the ideas are there, however how I word my questions, aren't, just yet!

How does a career in the performing arts industry effect your mental health?

I blogged about my personal battles with mental health at the very start of this course. Depression and anxiety has been one of the biggest hurdles I have had to face since embarking on my path as a performer, so it seemed only right that when exploring lines of enquiry that this should be a potential route as it is something that I am extremely passionate about discussing. When reading through reader 4 I found a quote by Judi Marshall particularly interesting 'Often these days I state overtly that an issue, event, theme, dilemma or whatever is an inquiry for me. This is a deliberate means to keep my questioning open and to help it develop.' I shall definitely carry these words with me as going back to the topic of depression and applying this, allows what would be negative experiences to become tools to help me progress.

Is there a growing stigma towards the arts as children mature? 

As a childrens entertainer I am always fascinated by the differences between children at certain ages. For example,  I may attend a five year old birthday party who whole heartedly believes that I am the disney princess I have come dressed as, who knows every word to the frozen soundtrack and wants nothing more than to wear a tiara and be covered from head to toe in glitter. I have also attended five year olds parties where they would rather listen to pop music instead of my classic Alan Menkin favourites, as the music that surrounds the disney culture is 'uncool' or 'babyish', at 5? I was stunned, but it happens, more than I wish it did, and this continues through the school years. When I was teaching in high schools I was definitely aware of a stigma that was attached to singing, or playing a musical instrument. Teenagers were embarrassed to sing, or to dance, or to be in a play or a musical. It was 'uncool' to have a talent, to have something that singled you out and meant you excelled in something.
With the recent cuts to arts funding in schools, and with some schools trying to take arts subjects off the curriculum completely, I wonder whether this stigma actually progresses even further than teenagers, as now it would appear some adults are failing to see the benefit of these subjects too.

...there is definitely so much I could research with this particular topic, I think I would need to focus it in further though as I feel this is very broad at the moment.

These two questions (or some format of these questions) are my definitely favourites at the moment so I would love to hear your views on these. I know many of you are also keen on the topic of mental health and most of us have some experience working with children at different ages, so again, your feedback and thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


  1. Hi Lauren, some really good thoughts there. I agree with you about children. So as you are probably aware I teach in a school and teach from aged 3 to 18. The difference in some of the younger ones (say between 4 and 8) is amazing. You have the ones that believe everything the magic the sparkle and are in awe of you and take in everything you say. You then have the ones that don't and it's quite a dramatic change, there is no in between. Is this something to do with there home environment? how they are brought up? or is it the parents who just don't particularly have an interest in the arts therefore it is rubbing off on there children? is this really fair? I don't know these are just some thoughts from reading your post, would love to hear your thoughts though :)

  2. shall we tick 4b off and maybe have a facetime/skype together at some point to dicuss further? would be great to hear your views in further detail! xx

  3. That sounds like a good plan to me :) what days/times are good for you?! xx

  4. Hello! Great ideas!! I too have touched on the topic of mental health and the psychological effects of dance in my initial questions. I think another thing to consider is that although the dance world and the arts environment can often trigger mental health problems, the arts is also being used in many cases as a therapy technique to help with recovery and a persons wellbeing.

    Regarding your second point I think it would be really interesting to find out how children are influenced in this way. I believe that children are being introduced to certain topics, music, tv shows etc from a lot earlier age now and maybe this is influencing their attitude?
    Perhaps (I don't know if you have experienced this in teaching) you could also explore how teachers deal with teaching classes with a spectrum of students at different maturing levels, ages and abilities?

    1. Also would love to join you girls for a Skype discussion if you don't mind! :) x

    2. yes the more the merrier! when is a good time for everyone? thursday is best for me this week if that works with you two? xx

  5. I can try slot in Thursday - depending on time. Either mid morning, or after 7.30pm xx

  6. Thursday works for me, but I am actually in a company in America so you guys are 5 hours ahead of me! I usually finish rehearsals by 9pm your time, I will get my schedule for the week on Monday so will have better idea then of when I will be free! xx

  7. hey ladies something has come up last minute for today! could we potentially do tomorrow? day time is best if thats possible? apologies! x

  8. After 8.30am till about 12:00 is good for me tomorrow. Lauren me and you could fit a skype in tomorrow and Rebecca maybe we could arrange another time to all skype sometime next week if tomorrow isn't convenient? x

    1. hey are you still about to skype? x

    2. Sorry only just seen this! What are your skype addresses? Maybe if I set up a group on there we can talk on there as I don't always get notifications through about blog comments!
