Sunday 25 September 2016

Module 2...

So, my first post after the summer break. As I start to type I have to admit that I am rather apprehensive to be starting a new module after being quite disappointed with my grade at the end of module 1. As performers, I think we are all natural perfectionists, so I was never going to accept anything less than 100%...maybe next time! 

As due to work I missed the introductory skype, I have found everyones blogs very helpful in catching me up. Lizzie Mentions in her blog that you all discussed the importance of organisation and being specific with what we are writing about. I felt very organised in module one but definitely need to stop having such vast ideas and focus on honing in on one thought that I can then delve deeper into, rather than skimming the surface or multiple ideas.

Working predominantly alone, from home is a very surreal feeling and something i'm not sure I will ever be fully comfortable with. I already feel behind and we haven't officially started yet! A personal task for this module will be to blog with confidence and to challenge myself to really deepen my understanding of whatever subject I am writing about, by focusing solely on the subject matter and not allowing myself to divert!

Right now, I feel like the picture below, except less contoured and more worried! BUT, however brief, I am happy that I have started typing again, and look forward to starting a 'proper blog' on Reader 4.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren,

    Hoping you had a lovely summer break. I completely agree with your point about performers and people in the arts being perfectionists. I think it must be in our nature as I am exactly the same.

    Due to work I too could also not stay for the entire session, but being organised is something that we did touch on quite a lot and the fact that we are all in the same boat being a distance learning course.

    I look forward to seeing how your ideas develop over this module. :)
